Tuesday, October 7, 2008

List of Excellent Things!

1. Yesterday, we drove to Summerside. It's about an hour or so from Alberton, and we went there to vote at their Elections Canada office and get groceries. There were only a few of us needing to vote, so while we figured out our mail-in ballots with the more-or-less incompetent Elections Canada staff, the rest of the group headed to Superstore to start the groceries. We met them there when we were done voting, finished up most of the groceries and then went to Bulk Barn to get the last few things.
2. Bulk Barn is exciting. I've never been in a bulk store before, and man, was I impressed. You can buy anything there, and that was a relatively small store. Dried strawberries and differently-flavored dried cranberries, and chocolate covered ANYTHING. I didn't actually buy myself anything, as I thought I would, because I had already bought some things at Superstore. I'm trying not to touch the money I've got saved in the bank, and to only use the $21/week allowance we get from the program. It's hard.
3. The parcel my parents sent came! THANKS GUYS! I now have my sweatpants, the wool sweater my grandma just sent me, my almond butter, tea and coffee...and my high school diploma? Can’t say I necessarily want to have that out here with me right now. I suppose it’s a good reminder of how I’M DONE HIGH SCHOOL FOREVVVVVVVER! Yes please!
4. The teacher that teaches the grade 11 Chem class over teleconference to the students at the school that I'm working at said I was a "miracle worker" and that she was really glad I was there to help them as she's teaching. I have to say, I really appreciated hearing it. Yee!

I’ll write soon...as long as Blogspot stops locking and unlocking my blog like craaaaazy.

Ericaaaaah. =)

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